Marek Kuul
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Postimees's climate conference revealed truth about Green Turn challenges

Nicola Rega, Energy Director at Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council)
Nicola Rega, Energy Director at Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council) Foto: Egert Kamenik

The international conference «Rohepöördest realistlikult» organized by Postimees sought a way out of the slogan of the European Union's Green deal and climate goals. The first major goals must be achieved by 2030, but Estonia still does not have a specific plan in order to achieve the objectives.

In 2019, the European Union countries agreed on a common goal to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. In 2021, this goal was fixed as a law.

As the Green Turn affects virtually every area of life, it is vital that it has the support of society. Societal support can be achieved if the changes are clear and realistic.

Watch the conference broadcast in English here:

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