UEFA President Michel Platini, right, and UEFA General Secrtary Gianni Infantino speak to members of the media at the end of the 37th Ordinary UEFA Congress in London, Friday, May 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Sang Tan) / SCANPIX Code: 436
UEFA President Michel Platini, right, and UEFA General Secrtary Gianni Infantino speak to members of the media at the end of the 37th Ordinary UEFA Congress in London, Friday, May 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Sang Tan) / SCANPIX Code: 436 Foto: SANG TAN/AP

Euroopa Jalgpalli Liidu (UEFA) ja Poola klubi Varssavi Legia suhted ei paista paremuse poole liikuvat ning klubile määrati fännide käitumise tõttu suur trahv.